Nazi Hunting

Riga - German Inaction in Mass Killings Demonstration at German Embassy 1975

Rath, Karl - Paid a fine

Pohl, Walter Tried in German Court

Office of Military Goverfnment of Germany Form 249 Suspected Perpatrators

NYTimes 'investigation of suspected Nazis incl. Maikovskis'

NY Post 05-25-1974 'Retiring Director Defends Immigration Agency Record' INS, Sol Marks, Leonard Chapman, Elizabeth Holtzman

Nov-30-1968 News Clipping , Times of London Photograph of smiling Nazi war criminal , unidentified but probably Adolf Janssen, after Babi Yar Trial

Newsday, p.6 Maikovskis 1976-10-14

Nazi Collaborators in U.S

Magnified Image of Editor Message

Letters Members of House of Representatives to Pres. Reagan re; OSI Budget Reductions

Leonid Petkiewytsch INS Deportation Kiel-Hasse OSI March 26 1986

Latvian Non-Cooperation Elliot Welles - Eyewitness Account March 2000

Kurt Krummholz from Elet ( Hungarian Jewish Journal ) Feb.15 1960

June 1987 - Paraguay - Serge Kowalchuk - Immigration Court

Jan. 1981 Frank Walus Prosecution

Int. Neo-Fascist Conference Malmo 1951 Per Engdahl ( Sweden ) Franz Richter ( Germany ) Translation of Swedish Newspaper Article

Hans Brunner SS Hauptscharfuehrer

Germany Non Support of Federal Police and Interpol, Hendrick van Dam to Alexander Easterman Aug. 1961

German Counts Leniency Indifference ( document source unknown ) June 21-1963

Fritz Brassloff to Prosecutor Erwin Schule request for photographs for 'World Jewry' Article Feb. 1961

Erich Rajakowitsch Case - Simon Wiesenthal, Austrian Bureacratic Harrassment May 17-1963

Elliot Welles Establishment of ADL Special TAsk Force - Soc. Survivors of Riga Ghetto INS Special Unit 1978

Dr. Dietrich ObersturmFuehrer

Dr. Bluden

Daily News p.17 INS Leonard Chapman Israel;witnesses 09-29-1976

C:Daily News '3 Face Ouster for War Crimes'

Correspondence from Astrid Hildebrand to Manuels Veiss re; identification of perpetrators of executions in Latvia March 4 1976

Clipping from Polish Facts & Figures - Declaration responding to GFR justifications for delaying war crimes prosecutors Janusz Gumkooski

April 16-1960 Clipping Publication of Polish Embassy London -'Polish Facto Figures' 'Documentary Proofs of Nazi Crimes agaisnt Jews - Warsaw Ghetto Diary - E. Ringelbaum

Anton Brunner ( 'sent 49.000 Jews to Camps and Gas Chambers ) News Clippings

Adolf Beckerle 1968-02-16 and 1968-06-21 - Copy of JC News clipping 'Life Sentences on Three Nazis' Kiesinger as a witness

Adolf Beckerle - Bulgaria deportation of Jews - Jewish Chronicle 'Sofia Bishops Defended'

1991-10-02 Leonid Petkiewytsch clipping Cincinatti Post p.6A 'Six Year Ordeal takes Toll on Nazi Camp Guard'

1987 08-26 Martin Bartesch , Daily Telegraph 'No Prosecution of Nazi Camp Guard' red statute of limitations - 2nd clipping 1987- 08-26 Martin Bartesch Ma

1985-05-09 - CP Item Attorney for Deschenes Commission says RCMP investigated 296 alleged Nazi Criminals

1985-05-03 Canadian Press Item on Deschenes Commission - Loopholes in regulations banning Nazi War Criminals

1980-05-30 Karl-Heinz Bigell 'keine begrundeten zweifel'

1977-08-12 Gerhard Maywald Riga Clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung 'Mildes Urteil in Hamburg'

1977-05-02 Horst Bender Jerusalem Post 'No case against Himmler Aide' Neo-nazi activity in Argentina

1977-01-10 Gerhard Maywald Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 'Fruherer SS-Sturmfuhrer in Hamburg vor Gericht'

1977- 02-17 nGerhard Maywald clipping Judische Rundschau 'Neues NS-Verfahren'

1976-08-13 - Herbert Drabant - Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung 'Lebenslang fur Drabant'

1976 Herbert Drabant 'Ex Nazi on Trial in Berlin...'

1975-10-06 Testimony of Alberts Eichelis -

1973-07-06 Oskar Backer Neue Zuricher Zeitung 'Verurteilung wegen Judesmordes, conviction six counts of murder

1972-06-25 'Latvian Atrocities in Swedish Liber Trial'

1971-01-29 clipping Judische Rundschau Maccabi

1970-07-10 Herbert Bischoff Die Welt 'Urteil gegen ehmatigen ss-mann aufgehoben'

1970-04-26 - George Chapell clipping Sunday Times - ' Germans to Solve Riddle of Chapell'

1969-12-10 Otto Bovensiepen La Tribunale Geneve

1969-06-24 - Guenter Tebbert JCNS Clipping 'Ex - Nazi police Chief Acquittal'

1969-06-04 - Jurgen Stroop - Josef Blosche - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Democratic German Report clipping 'Blosche the Ghetto Murderer - And the Men Behind Him'

1969-05-24 Josef Bloesche - Ludwig Hahn - NYTimes p.2 'Nazi Photograph helps Convict Nazi Murderers'

1969-04-25 - 'Freispruche in Darmstadt' (acquittals all around)

1969-03-21 - Werner Best Clipping Politik 'Karriere Kunstler im Dritten Reich'

1969-03-12 - Werner Best - Clipping NYTimes p.12 'Former Nazi General Seized'

1969-01-16 Poland JCNS 'Five Austrians Charged with War Crimes'

1968-11-04 -0 Werner Best clipping La Tribune de Geneve 'L'etrange Machine Judiciare'

1968-07-20 - Emil Berndorff - Fritz Wohrn , newspaper clipping Daily Telegraph , p.20 Ex Nazis accused with handwritten notes and highlights

1968-03-XX - Adolf Beckerle - Fritz van Hahn Deutschland Berichte, p 58 'Frankfurter Diplomaten Prozess - Beckerle Prozess'

1967-12-10 Bialystok Haus Behrens item from JTA bulletin no.4 '14 Germans on trial for mass murder'

1967-08-18 Bernhard Benitz - Josef Windeck-Albert Widmann- Johannes Hassenbrock - Jewish Chronicle 'Third Auschwitz Trial Opening'

1964-12-23 Eichmann Trial photocopy of p.1 of 'La Voce Bella Giustizia' vol 17 'Eichmann from Tragedy to Farce'

1951 - Brown Boots Obligatory, Malmo, Sweden

11-27-1974 - Newsclipping - Newspaper Unknown

11- 09,15-1984 Palm Beach Jewish World, P.5 'Local man liberated camp Arthur Rudolph Ran by David Bittner - Handwritten top of page 'Elliot welles'

10-14-1976 Maikovskis NY Daily News p.68

10- 08-1964 London Daily Mail

09-30-1991 US Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit , decision in case of Leoniod Petkiewytsch v INS

09-08-1983 - ADL Maikovskis Russia FBI Newsday -

08-04-1983 NYTimes P.B1 '1944 Refugees Meet as Guests- David Dunlap re; Oswego, Ruth Gruber, release of 'Haven'

07-17-1974 NY Daily News 'Nazis Next Door

07-15-1974 NY Daily News Paul Meskil 'The Nazis Next Door' on removal of evidence in INS Files in 3 Cases

06-24-1975 'Twelve Years of Nazi Terror' Sympathetic Profile of Adalbert Ruckkel by Renate Faerber

05-15-1974 Photo from film clip protest at Maikovskis Home

05-14-1974 2 photos Maikovskis Protest

3 Face Ouster for War Crimes

02-19-1994 Maikovskis Court Dismissal notation AP

01-31-1997 Mengele Notice of Mengele Event from 'Wahnruf' with English translation

01-16-1992 Maikovskis NKVD Newsday p. 20 KGB Man Accused Worked for Stalin

1976-08-10 Herbert Drabent Daily Telegraph ' SS Killer jailed for life..' same article from Frankfurter Allgemeine

1969-04-04 - Gerulf Mayer Clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung 'Haftstraffen und Freispruche' Trial outcomes 11 yrs, 5 yrs, 2 acquittals 1 dismissal

August 1944 Riga Rudolf Reese Military records c.f. Angnick-Klein p.341

12-1992 Life Magazine Article Edward Barnes - Abe Foxman - Resurgent Anti-Semitism in Latvia

05-15-1974 - TV reporters interview H. Zierind and possibly Elliot Welles

No Date - Letter to Editor - Decades of Negligence

1984-05-XX Prosecution of Alberts Eichelis

05-15-1974 Color Photographs Maikovskis Protest

05-15-1974 B&W photos Maikovskis Protest

04-25-1970 - George Chapell clipping Guardian - Man accused of Massacre is now in Fear

04-23-1982 Maikovskis p.28, Newsday - Suffolk Ed. M asks political asylam by James Bedrnstein

04-11-1975 Clipping from Aufbau, p7

03-28-1975 Article Aufbau p.3 INS director promising investigation - NYTimes Article 05-21-1974

03-14-1973 Maikovskis Protest - Maiskovskis in Uniform

03-03-1994 Maikovskis ADL Elliot Welles Broward Jewish Journal

02-22-1995 NY Newsday - Photo of Maiskovskis demonstration on p.6

02-19-1994 NY Newsday re; Maikovskis - Elliot Welles

01-24-1942 'Translation of Excerpts' from document IVO No - 3274 Reports of Einsatzgruppen-Operational Situation Report USSR No. 155 w-evidence analysis -'Estonia ...'

01-14-1992 Maikovskis KGB Witnesses Newsday Suffolk ed. p.14 KGB at German Trial by Roy Gutman

01-10-1972 Friedrich Bobhammer Auschwitz- Morning Star ' only the rain saved Donato from execution by Nazi's

Wilhelm Altenloh -JCNS press release -sentencing at Minden for complicity in deportation of Jews to Treblinka

Victor Arajs - Sturmbahnfuehrer

Undated photo & negative Maikovskis in uniform

Twelve Years of Nazi Terror - Renate Faerber

Translation article in Dagsposten ( Swedish Fascist Newspaper ) On International Fascist Conference in Malmo 1951

Testimony of Alberts Eichelis regarding Audrini Massacre 1962-12-19

Stutthof Consentration Camp Historic Guide 1980

Riga - German Inaction in Mass Killings Demonstration at German Embassy 1975

Rath, Karl - Paid a fine

Pohl, Walter Tried in German Court

Paust , K

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 1)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 2)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 3)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 4)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 5)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 6)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 7)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 8)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 9)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 10)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 11)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 12)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 13)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 14)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 15)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 16)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 17)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 18)

Operation 'Old Lace' Denazification Trials Evidence from Witnesses, documents 1945-1948 (Section 19)

NYTimes p.26 10-20-1976 re; Trifa Gerald Strober National Council of Churches Concerned Jewish Youth

NY Post Maikovskis 1976-11-15

NY Daily News 'Nazis Next Door ' eighth of final article , S. Wiesenthal etc

Society of Survivors of the Riga Ghetto 'Wanted Poster' War Criminals in U.S. Photo Boards

Newsday p. 9 re; Maikovskis Trudie Schneider Riga Survivors of Riga Ghetto Mia Ziering

Maikovskis Picket - source date unknown 05-1974

Lord David Windlesham to Maurice Orbach re; Uri Chapodze ( George Chapell) British refused to examine evidence Aug. 1970

Letter to Dr. F. Goeroeg, World Federation of Hungarian Jews from Dr. S.J. Roth 18 July 1961

Latvian War Criminals in U.S. List

Lange, Dr. Rudolf Erwin, In charge of all Reich main office pesronel in Riga , largly responsible for murder of Latvian Jews

Kisiebitis ( to Canada ) Paul Bluemel ( to Germany )

Jonas, Karl Austrian Police Force - SS Party Card

International Neo-Fascist Conference, 'New Swedish Movement' Speech by far right German Franz Richter M P ,later exposed as Fritz Rossler a nazi Propaganda Minister

Int. Neo Fascist Conference -Malmo Per Engdahl , translation of Swedish Newspaper Article

Gestapo Chef to stand Trial

Germany Central War Crimes Commission Investigations July 14 1960

George Chapell Soviets Clipping Sunday Telegraph 'Extradition Propaganda' by R. Payne

Evidence Photocopy US Natl. Archives with partial translation 'Report on Events in USSR No. 26' re; role of nazified police in extermination orthodox Jews 07-18-1941

English translation Testimony of Alberts Eichlis regarding Andrini Massacre 1962-12-19

Dr. Kurt Waldheim July-Sept 1986 - I. Friedman - Argentina Institute of Documentation in Israel

Dr. Dargevitz

Deschenes Commission Joseph Kiesilitis Investigation

Daily News 07-19-1974 Editorial Cartoon

Correspondence Fugitive Lists Simon Wiesenthal to S.J. Roth March 11 1970

Commanding Officer Einsatzgruppe A ( Belarus, Baltic ) Killed himself after 1959 Arrest

Bluzmanis, Jergenijs

April 13-1990 p.13 The Jewish Wekk Half Page Ad 'Memo to Atty General of the U.S. ' re; release mass murderers, Maiskovskis, O.S.I. Mengele Soc. for Survivors Riga

Adolf Beckerle 1968-06-23 Der Spiegel Magazine 'Prozess Kiesinger, Geladene Person'

Adolf Beckerle - Hannah Arendt - News Clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung' 'Hannah Arendt wollte nicht aussagen' Arendt declines to testify in Beckerle Tria

1993-01-19 - Winni Nachtwei article from Westfalische Nachrichten- 'Dri Jahre Proze

1989-06-XX Manuscript- two pieces by Historian Andrew Ezergailis

1985-08-03 - Cincinatti Post p.B2 'Hearing scheduled on Nazi accusation' re; Leonid Petkiewytsch

1985-05-08 - CP Item RLMP Dep claims 'friendly' nation-falsified documents for war criminals

1982-06-15 Werner Best - Die Welt, p 9 'Keine Prozess gegen SS-Fuhrer Best'

1979-04-21 - Certified State Dept. translation - Stahlecker Report selected section, L.I. No. 80527

1977-08-03 Gerhard Maywald Riga Daily Mail 'War Criminal - Storm as SS man is jailed'

1977-03-24 - Gerhard Maywald Judische Rundschau 'Frechheiten eines angeklagten Nazis'

1977-01-07 Wolfgang Abel clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung ' Nach 35 Jahren Verjahrt'

1976-10-xx Herbert Drabent Caucasus E.Berlin 'SS Leader who arrested babie...'

1976-08-12 Herbert Drabant 'Life Sentence for former Nazi Troop Leader'

1975-11-13 Testimony of Alberts Eichelis, regarding Rudolf Lange, Victors Arajs and police

1975-04-25 - George Chapell Daily Telegraph 'Note in March Rejected Soviet demand'

1972-07-03 - Werner Best JLNS Clipping - Ex-SS Chief Accused of Wartime Murder of Polish Jews- plus handwritten note

1972-05-16 Ernst Lerch , Helmut Pohl 'Action Reinhard ' Jerusalem Post - 'Autrians tried for killing Jews')

1970-08-21 Otto Bovensiepen Suddeutsche Zeitung - p.6 Berliner Ex-Gestapochef bleibt in haft

1970-04-28 - George Chappell Clipping Daily Telegraph- Rebuff To Russia on Extradition Third in 10 Years '

1970-04-25 G. Chapell - Guardian 'Russian request for trial refused

1969-09-09 Latvia Erhard Grauel Jewish Chronicle News Service item 'Nine ex-Nazis charged w murder of Jews in Latvia'

1969-06-20 Gunter Tabbert clipping Die Welt 'Freispruch in NS - Verfahren '

1969-06-03 - Josef Blosche - Jerusalem Post 'The Unknown Nazi is sentenced to Death'

1969-05-06 Josef Bloesche - Fritz Woehrn NYTimes clipping 'Nazi Trials in East and West compared' Contrasts war crimes process in East and West Germany

1969-04-17 'Soviets ban German Judges from hearing Witnesses - T. Christiansen, K.Kretschner, W. Sindeisen

1969-03-12 - Werner Best Clipping Guardian p.3 'Ex Nazi facing charges at mass murder'

1969-01-23 - Gerulf Mayer Clipping, Neue Zurder Zeiting ' Kriegsverbrecher Prozess im Graz'

1968-12-09 Gunter Tabbert JTA 'Nazi Trial'

1968-07-26 Adolf Beckerle - Eugen Gerstenmaier, clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung, re; Gerstenmaier's account of Nazi 'internal resistance'

1968-07-19 Alfred Becu-Wilhelm Adelt Mitau , three press items on the trial of Becu and Adelt for brutal mass shootings

1968-01-15 Otto Hunsche clipping JTA Bulletin- Otto Hunsche arrested again'

1967-08-18 Bernhard Bonitz - Josef Windeck Clipping Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung ' Dritter Auschwitz Prozess beginnt am 30 August in Frankfurt'

1967-08-10 Bernhard Bohnitz - Josef Windeck - clipping from Die Welt 184, p 16 'Dritter Auschwitz Prozess in Frankfurt am Main'

1963-02-06 - Testimony of Alberts Eichelis, in relation to testimony of 12-19-1962

11-04-1950 Clipping Dagens Nyheter

10-21-1988 Pat Buchanan OSI-ADL Abe Foxman article by Walter Ruby

10-13-1988 JTA Daily News Bulletin vol 66 No.185 2nd Feature article is on Maikovskis ties to GOP by Susan Birnbaum

09-10-1964 from Switzerland Herald Tribune

09-01-1981 - Maaikovskis JDL Photocopy NY Daily News P 149 Accused nazi Targert of

08-01-1941 Evidence 'Report for the War Diary' Gens. beeb, Rognes & Bayer - Latvian Defense Corps - mass shootings

07-16-1974 NY Daily News nazis Next Door' third in series by Paul Meskil tags; Karl Linnas, Tartu Camp, Einsatzgruppen A, Emmanuel Jasink, Sergis Hutyrczyk

07-14-1974 Clipping 'The Nazi's Next Door' NY Sunday News Paul Meskil

05-15-1979 Maikovskis house

05-15-1974 Maikovskis Protest H. Ziering tv reporter interview

04-25-1969 Dora Camp - von Braun 3 news clippings

03-25-1970 Clipping 'Democratic German Report' Statistical Table War Criminals sentenced in GDR

02-19-1994 - Herald Tribune - Maikovskis - German Courts

01-17-1975 Clipping The Jewish Press Brooklyn p.44 'The Nazis who Live Among Us' Chris Borgen Andrija Artukovic ( Supervized Jasenovac )

'Fight Fascism Together' 1998 promotional literature International Day against Fascism and Antisemitism

Heinz Reinfarth Various News Articles

Heinz Reinfarth Various News Articles; Continued

Riga Ghetto Alexander Ginsburg

Congress woman Holtzman's Newsletter - Exposing Lax Investigation of Nazi War Criminals in the United States

1985-05-08 CP Item Deschenes Commission

01-19-1990 Maikovskis Newsday pp 17 L.I. Man on Trial for War Crimes

11-30-1979 Protest with German Statute of Limitation

1951 Immigrant Visa Photo Maikovskis

10-14-1976 Clipping Unknown newspaper - Jews Protest Accused Nazi - by Richard Schwants and Leo Standora

Nazi Party Member Census Record (Copy), Ulrich Henschke, 1941

Nazi Hunting Evidence - 08/01/1941, Berlin; From US Nat. Archives

Evidence 'Report for the War Diary' - Gens. beeb, Rognes & Bayer - Latvian Defense Corps - mass shootings - 08/01/1941

Evidence: SECRET communiquae from SS Gruppenfuhrer Prutzmann to Commander of Rear Army; Re; establishment of indigenous Auxiliary Police Units in Riga - 08/21/1941

Riga Ghetto - The Stahlecker Report 103 pages and 18 appendices and maps - 10/15/1941

Certified Photocopies From National Archives, from Stahlecker Report - 03/30/1979

Certified State Department Translation, from Stahlecker Report. 10/15/1941 (1979-04-21)

Orders For Organization Of Security Police in 'Eastern Territories' From Chief of German Police in the Reich Ministry of The Interior 1941 - Partial Translation

Translation of Excerpts from Document IVO No. 3274 - Reports of Einsatzgruppen-Operational Situation (Report USSR No. 155 With Evidence Analysis -'Estonia')

Operational Situation Report USSR No. 163 - With Partial Translation - ("Extermination of Entire Village of Audrini, Maikovskis")

Typewritten Translation of Memo Marked “Secret” from Comissar General for White Russia to Heinrich Lohse - July 31, 1942

Handwritten Police Reports of Yuriy Teodorovich (George Theodorovich) Documenting his Murder of Jews (With Attached Typewritten English Translations) - August 1942

Copies of Census Reports, and handwritten letters of Rudolf Reese - (August 1944)

Photocopy Evidence from US National Archives of Einsatzgruppe's Top Secret Report in the East, With Maps of Mass Murder actions - Retrieved on 10/26/1945

Antisemitic cartoon in Sweden. Reads “Do you too want to become a slave to the Jews just as the poor Germans are now,” - 1946

Photocopy of the US State Department “Top Secret” Report by Vincent LaVista, a Foreign Service officer in Rome, Released Under Pressure in 1984 (pp. 2-11 Plus Appendices; page 1 missing)

Two Copies of “The Falsehood about the six million Jews said to gassed by Hitler EXPOSED" Booklet by Einar Aberg and Antoine Albina. Swedish English-Language Neofascist Publication, 1958

Photocopied Booklet of “Documentation zur Massen-Vergasung Book 9”, Confession of Kurt Gerstein, 1958 - Edited by Helmut Krausnic

Photocopy Leaflet for “Giovani Nazione”, Urges a Fight Against Cultural Takeover by Marxists, and Equates Marxism to any Anti-fascist Action

An English-Language Antisemitic Propaganda Post-Card from Swedish Fascist Einar Aberg - 1962

Nazi-Hunting 1964-04-24 - Hans Walter Zech-Neuntwig , front page National Zeitung ; SS-Obersturmfuhrer Geflohen'

Nazi-Hunting 1966-04-04 World Jewish Congress Gerhard Bohne - Memo Marc Turkow to WJC Governing Council, re; Extradition of a Nazi War Criminal

Nazi-Hunting- 1966-12-11 Die Welt - 'Drei fruhere SS Fuhrer vor dcm Schwurgericht'

Nazi-Hunting 1967-04-21 Wilhelm Altenloh, Heimbach Treblinka-Gestapo boss Gaoled

Nazi-Hunting 1967-07-14 Heinz Reinefarth Newsclipping Allgemeine Wochenzeitung

NY Herald Tribune- 'Two Germans go on Trial' - Morning Star - 'Auschwitz was really cosy says criminal'

Nazi-Hunting - 1967-12-10 Bialystok Haus Behrens item from JTA bulletin no.4 '14 Germans on trial for mass murder'

Nazi-Hunting 1968-06-07 Wilhelm Rosenbaum - Clipping Die Welt 'Erschossen weil sie Namen des Angeklagten trugen' re; Israel;witness describes Rosenbaum's atrocities

Nazi-Hunting 1970-03-19 Letter Heinz Artzt to Stephn Roth with attached info

Nazi-Hunting 1970-04-25 G. Chapell clipping Times of London

Nazi-Hunting 1970-04-25 G. Chapell clipping Times of London

Nazi-Hunting 1970-05-XX Press Clipping Juedische Pressedienst-Dora Trial

Nazi-Hunting 1971-03-10 Simon Wiesenthal London, Ontario 'Der Ukrainische Judenschlachter'

Nazi-Hunting 1971-03-10 Simon Wiesenthal London, Ontario 'Der Ukrainische Judenschlachter'

Nazi-Hunting 1973-02-21 War Crimes Trial to open in Trieste - Dietriech Allers

Nazi-Hunting 1973-03-30 Einsatzgruppe D Nazi Gaoled-four convictions

Nazi-Hunting 1974-XX-XX Valerian Trifa Jewish War Veterans Kings County

Nazi-Hunting 1975 Demonstration Society of Survivors of Riga Ghetto

Nazi-Hunting 1975-10-05 - Testimony Alberts Eichelis to State Attorney's Office- 'Assembly and Acting of the Latvian Regular Police'

Nazi-Hunting 1976 Herbert Drabant 'War Criminal Jailed for Life..'

Nazi-Hunting 1976 -08-05 Herbert Drabant 'Former Nazi charged with complicity...'

Nazi-Hunting 1976 Adolf Beckerle 'Death of a Notorious Nazi'

Nazi-Hunting 1977-0

Nazi-Hunting 1979-03-30 - ( 1940 ) Certified copy from National Archives Stahlecker Report 10 pages, very poor copy

Nazi-Hunting 1980-08-14 Photoc. letter from State Dept.'s Clayton McManaway to Elliot Welles responding to 09-19-1979 nFOIA request

Nazi-Hunting 1980-10-XX ADL Feodor Fedorenko- Fedorenko vs US

Nazi-Hunting 1980-10-XX ADL Feodor Fedorenko- Fedorenko vs US

Nazi-Hunting 1982-06-25 Alois Brunner - Songe Klarsfeld article Le Monde

Nazi-Hunting 1983-07-08n NY Newsday Article from ADL files

Nazi-Hunting 1984 ADL-OSI Allan Ryan Jewish Week '1000's of Nazi's said to live in US' by Steve Lipman

Nazi-Hunting 1984-06-19bEva Kon Candles - Mengele Case

Nazi-Hunting 1984-XX-XX B'Nai Brith of Canada One is too Many War criminals in Canada

Memo from Elliot Welles

Nazi-Hunting 1985-03-XX Maikovskis OSI Criminal Division 1884 Highlights

Nazi-Hunting 1989 -Bound Collection Newspaper Clippings responding to German Exhibit on Nazi juriprudence ( In the name of the German People -Justice and National Socialism )